Annie Andrews

Annie's Blog

My blogs on this page are my thoughts, feelings and opinions. They are not factual or fixed, and I am aware and happy that everyone has their own beliefs and way of understanding life. My purpose in writing is the spirit of sharing, rather than telling.
Please click here to e-mail any comments to me.

Mars in the sign of Scorpio... Tuesday 5th January 2016

Mars moved into Scorpio a couple of days ago, and will remain there until the 6th March… then due to a period of retrograde motion, he will return again on the 27th May and stay through til 2nd August. Mars is the planet of drive, action, aggression and passion… he gives us the will and momentum to do things, to assert ourselves and to get what we want and need in life. So I’ve been thinking about what might we expect from four months of Mars in the sign of Scorpio, and what came into my mind was the image of an acorn, deep underground...

The acorn has decided that he wants to be the mightiest Oak tree in the wood, and he’s going to take his time, developing and growing, gradually reaching up to the surface of the earth, and into the light. Then, over many, many more years he’ll continue to grow taller and stronger, withstanding gales and storms and droughts until he achieves his aim. He is patient, dedicated, and is quite prepared to work secretly in the dark, hidden underground during the early part of his growth. He is determined, single-minded, and unless there is some disaster over which he has no control (and you can be sure that if he has any chance of controlling it, then he will try) he will achieve his aim.

Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio and he is strong here; tenacious, steady, stubborn and strategic, perhaps even a little devious (for Tarot people I have a sense of the 7 of Swords)… completely determined. This energy can help us to achieve our aims, transform situations and even aspects of ourselves… but not overnight. We may get to speed things up during the middle period, from 6th March until 27th May, but I feel that “slow and steady wins the race” is a good phrase to describe how we may best work with Mars’ energy in the first seven months of 2016. ©Annie Andrews 2015

(One of my interests is astrology... I find it fascinating, and enoy writing about the current planetary movements and how they might touch our lives. I don't believe that the astrology as it was when we were born, or the arrangements of the planets now, can force us to do anything we don't want to do, or that our future is all mapped out; however I have found it useful to understand and work with the energy and influences that the astrology of the time may bring. Because of that I've decided to share the pieces that I write, here on my website, for anyone who may be interested.)

Annie's Astrology of Christmas 2015

At 11.11am (GMT) on Christmas day we have a Full Moon at 3° Cancer. Cancer is all about the home environment, family, nurturing and what makes us feel safe and cosy… which sound just right for a day of celebration with those we are close to. (For me 11:11 is significant in terms of synchronicity and opportunities for personal and spiritual development, so a Full Moon at this time on Christmas day seems to hold extra potential for something… although what exactly, remains to be seen!) Be aware that emotions may be quite powerful at times during the day.

Later, at 8.19pm, Mercury will be in a friendly aspect with Jupiter, just shy of 23° Capricorn and Virgo… this speaks to me of happy, heartfelt conversations, meeting with friends and relatives who we may not see at other times, plans discussed and made, especially for holidays to far off places, tall tales told, laughter and fun. Hopefully corks are popping and beer caps flying as we celebrate and enjoy the company of people around us. It would also be a good time for phone calls and Skype chats with people too far away to see this Christmas.

During the early hours of 26th December, Uranus, planet of the unplanned and unexpected, the desire for freedom and change, of revolution and all things unconventional, will station direct at 16° Aries; I feel this could create a shift for some people and there may be surprises in our personal lives and interactions. .. this energy asks us to think and feel “outside of the box”… consider things that don’t necessarily fit with what we’ve previously believed possible and how we’ve felt life should be (maybe we’ll discover that Santa does exist, after all). I have a slight qualm that there may be a degree of chaos in relation to communication and travel… whether communications related to travel, or the movement of communications, around this Christmas-time… so it might be good to have contingency plans ready if you have a journey, or important connections, to make. This Christmas may not be entirely tranquil, but I feel it brings a chance for joyful, ebullient celebrations and a spark of inspiration for positive change, where needed, in 2016.

Also of note, from 26th December until 5th January all the planets will be direct which, coupled with the Earth trine between Mercury in Capricorn and Jupiter in Virgo, seems to me to offer a window of time that this is potentially good for promoting yourself and networking, and looking at ways to expand your business or learn new skills. It’s odd timing, as many are taking a long break from work at this time, but perhaps it’s a case of grabbing the moment while most people are resting, or perhaps just making plans ready to move on in the New Year. The trine aspect between Mercury and Jupiter will repeat on the 15th of January and the 6th February, so whatever you are planning and doing will come around again for more input, and hopefully to see rewards for your efforts. ©Annie Andrews 2015

Astrology: Venus moves into Virgo... Thursday 8th October 2015

A light-hearted take about Venus moving into Virgo… this evening, at 6.29pm in the UK, Venus will leave fiery Leo, where she's been for an unusually long time... going forwards and backwards and forwards again, living it up on the centre stage, looking lovely and playing games with Mars. She had some fun, but it's all worn a bit thin, and she's quite glad to be moving into the more grounded sign of Virgo. Now she'll get an idea of what's real, what has potential for the long term and what works for her in terms of health and wellbeing, career and day to day routines. In the next few days she'll aspect both Mercury and Saturn, which could lead to serious contemplation and possibly some heavy conversations, bringing clarity about what we wish to keep in our lives. In early November she'll meet up with Mars again... but that's another story!

Also, on Friday, just before 4pm, Mercury will turn direct… bringing sighs of relief from many people, I’m sure. Based on the stories I’ve heard this has been a tough three weeks for many, as Mercury has retraced his steps back to the very start of Libra (where he was in late August) and has recently been in a close aspect with Saturn. I suspect this aspect has exacerbated the usual Mercury retrograde issues for some people, as Saturn tends to present challenges and restrictions which enable us to learn and grow. It’s been a difficult period for many, but should start to ease soon as Mercury turns direct, and begins to regain his normal speed, moving away from Saturn and towards the Sun. ©Annie Andrews 2015

Friday 25th September 2015 Astrology: Mars in Virgo

Earlier today, Mars, planet of drive, action and all sorts of passion moved from the fiery sign of Leo into earthy Virgo. Until mid November he'll be supporting us to get projects and plans organised and into reality; sorting out the wood from the trees in terms of what is realistic and viable. Assisting us in effective research, analysis and clear communication, Mars in Virgo especially asks us to look at our routines and organisation, health and wellbeing, and our day to day work.

On this theme, and with the Sun currently in Libra, this could be a good time to consider the balance between what we do to look after ourselves and what we give to others... and in this part of the world it's time to build strength and organise resources ready for the winter months. I must book that boiler service! © Annie Andrews 2015

Wednesday 16th September 2015... Astrology: Jupiter opposing Neptune

One of my interests is astrology... I find it fascinating, and sometimes I write on Facebook about the current planetary movements and how they might touch our lives. I don't believe that the astrology as it was when we were born, or the arrangements of the planets now, can force us to do anything we don't want to do, or that our future is all mapped out; however I have found it useful to understand and work with the energy and influences that the astrology of the time may bring. Because of that I've decided to share the pieces that I write, here on my website, for anyone who may be interested.

Over the next couple of days, Jupiter and Neptune, the traditional and modern rulers of Pisces, will be opposing each other. Neptune is intangible, illusory, enhancing compassion and spirituality... Jupiter brings optimism, expansion, encouraging learning and exploration of both the world and the mind. Put those together and then factor in Mercury turning retrograde tomorrow, and Saturn moving from Scorpio into Sagittarius in the early hours of Friday morning. I'm thinking that the next few day look perfect for going within, for dreaming and visualising; for coming up with creative concepts and inspired plans... where possible I'll be saving the action until clarity returns!

Most of this effect will dissipate over the coming few days, bringing greater clarity; however Mercury will remain retrograde until October 10th. I've written about Mercury retrograde periods before... it is an astrological phenomenon that has become more well known, and is often billed as something to be viewed with a degree of apprehension, with potential for communications, travel and technology to descend into chaos. I'd like put the view that since this generally occurs for three weeks, three times a year, with an additional period known as "the retrograde shadow" either side, this adds up to quite a number of weeks out of each year, and it's quite unrealistic to suspend many activities for all that time. So what I suggest is to relax about it and continue with life as normal, but perhaps take a few extra precautions, such as creating back-ups of your files, double checking arrangements, reading important emails through before you send them and taking a breath before saying anything that might offend or confuse. And if you need to sign an important contract make sure you've read and understood it before putting pen to paper! There are plusses about retrograde periods as they give us a chance to revisit and review certain things, and perhaps to make some necessary changes. © Annie Andrews 2015

Friday 31st October 2014... Samhain Blessings.

Samhain blessing to all, and to our loved ones and ancestors in Spirit. Otherwise known as Halloween or All Hallows' Eve, this is the time when the veil between the material solid world we live in, and the world of Spirit is thin, making communication with those who have passed much easier.

Take some time to sit quietly and speak with those you love who have passed over. You may hear in your mind the messages they give back to you, and feel the love that they send you. You may also find that over the coming days you find answers to any questions that you have asked, and reassurances about concerns you may have expressed. This can happen either by a sudden thought popping into your head, or by reading or hearing something relevant, seemingly by chance. You might chance to meet someone who can help you, or who mentions another person who can. These are just some of the ways in which those who have passed to Spirit are able to help us, so be open to information and assistance as you go about your normal activities.

In the northern hemisphere Samhain also marks the end of the summer, the milder weather, and the beginning of winter. It is the time of transition from light to dark. Many of us struggle with the lack of sunlight during winter and this year I'm thankful for the wonderful extended summer we've had... I feeling stronger for it and more prepared for the coming winter and I hope that is the same for you. Enjoy this special evening, whether you choose to spend it in quiet contemplation or attending a Halloween party! © Annie Andrews 2014

Tuesday 29th July 2014... Talking Matters! What we say impacts our life experience.

I wanted to share something that I’ve become increasingly aware of over the years, which is the way in which whatever we focus on, especially what we talk about, becomes bigger, more important, more solid, more real. A tangible example of this is when you have two vague ideas of what you would like to do for a holiday, let’s say either Madrid or Paris and you go out with friends for an evening and one person says that they have recently returned from Paris. So a happy hour or more is spent with people contributing their memories of Paris, describing what they experienced, where they stayed, what they ate and places they visited. By the end of the evening (unless something was said that made you feel it wasn’t the place for you) it’s very likely that you are now erring towards choosing Paris rather than Madrid as a destination. You mention to your partner that it sounds great, and the next day you do some research and start firming up travel plans. You might have a cursory look at websites relating to Madrid, but it’s very likely that you will choose Paris. Because you are focussing on that, feeding the idea… you are talking about it, thinking about it, you can imagine how it will feel, look, taste and smell… you could almost be there already. This isn’t a blog about travel advice of course! It is about how whatever we focus on, think about in great detail, imagine and especially what we talk about, affects our life. It affects our experiences and what happens to us. When it leads us to choose a particular holiday destination it’s probably quite useful, but it isn’t so great when it affects our wellbeing.

The reason I want to share this is that I believe it is useful to be aware, when something unpleasant or difficult is happening that focussing on it by talking about it continually will not help it to mend. Of course there are situations when talking things through help you to gain clarity, feel supported and perhaps vent irritation or unburden yourself of something that is upsetting. I am totally in favour of this kind of “talking about”. What I am referring to as potentially unhelpful is where you talk about the same thing so often, perhaps to many different people, that it begins to take on a life of its own. An example; you have been seeing someone for several weeks or more, which you’ve enjoyed and have started to hope that you might have a relationship with the person, but then they stop calling. They don’t respond to your communications. You might feel hurt and confused about what went wrong. In this situation, it is very normal to tell a close friend all about it and speculate about the whys and wherefores and what could have been. However, if a month later you are still having the same conversation, not just whenever you see that good friend but with work colleagues, your aunt, the person you met last week on the bus and are also endlessly discussing it with yourself then it’s fairly likely that you now feel even more upset than when you first realised that the relationship was over. It’s also very unlikely that you’re going to meet anyone new whilst spending so much of your energy reliving what has happened. In order to start the healing process, try to notice when you are having either an inner conversation with yourself, or are beginning to introduce the topic once more with friends, and deliberately direct yourself away from it. Have some ideas on hand for other things to speak about, to think about… different things work for different people but you might prefer to focus on your next holiday, a special meal plan, an item in the news, planning a party or what you hope to achieve at work in the coming year. Have a beautiful mental image available to visualise every time your mind wanders to the person’s face. Distract yourself as much as possible, refuse to feed the issue, and the upset and hurt will begin to diminish.

Another situation where it can be really important to limit how much you talk about something is when you are feeling unwell or are in pain. I hope this doesn’t sound harsh, it is certainly not meant to be, but in the same way as my previous examples, talking too much about feeling unwell will not make it better. Of course you will need to tell the people in your life that you are suffering, and how it affects you. You may also need to discuss your symptoms with medical professionals and other healers. To clarify, here’s a personal example of what I am referring to… I’m generally the sort of person who, when asked how I am, says “I’m fine, thanks” even if I feel rubbish, but earlier this year having been unwell and in pain for several months I began to notice that describing how I was feeling was gradually becoming my main topic of conversation. This was partly due to well-meaning people saying “how are you today?” and the temptation to answer with quite a lot of detail, in a woebegone tone, was often enormous. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself! Eventually I pulled myself up sharp, because I knew that I was just making the situation worse. So I resolved to stop talking about my health, except when it was completely necessary. I told the people close to me that when they asked how I was I would just say “I’m good thanks”, because I no longer wanted to focus on feeling bad. I explained that I still needed practical support, but that going forward I would just say “please can you get the shopping, make this call, cook my dinner” or whatever else I needed at the time. I reminded them of my theories about not giving energy to negative situations, and luckily they were able to embrace it and still help me out when needed. I felt lighter within days, partly from turning my attention outwards to other things and other people, and soon I began to feel significantly better physically too. I believe that my decision sent a message out to God, or the Universe, the Source or however you like to think about it, that I was now seeing myself as a Well Person. By focussing on the good things about how I felt, I fed that sense of wellbeing and it grew.

The same theory works in all manner of situations… perhaps you might try experimenting to see what changes you can bring to your life by taking care with your words. It isn’t always possible to control our thoughts, but we have more ability to choose our words, so focus them on what you do want, the positive things, everything you love about life! ©Annie Andrews 2014

Tuesday 11th June 2014... Sharing some of my thoughts about Food

One of the things that I am passionate about, in terms of wellbeing, is eating food that is natural and simple. I believe that eating good nutritious food can create an improved state of wellness; physically, mentally and emotionally.

I have a dream about a time in the future when supermarkets will have evolved into stores filled with high quality, traditionally produced and organic food… fresh vegetables and fruit, rice, nuts and seeds, dairy products that are not treated and adapted more than necessary, eggs from cheerful chickens and meat from animals who have had happy lives grazing in fields.

I don’t know whether there is any possibility of my dream becoming reality, but I hope that at least things will shift towards it as more and more people begin to demand “real food”. I usually shop in quite a small supermarket, and I know which aisles I need to visit to gather my fairly simple range of shopping, but when I shop in unfamiliar supermarkets whilst on holiday I trail up and down long aisles packed with garishly coloured soft drinks, cakes and biscuits, crisps, ready meals etc etc… and I wonder how it came to be that the majority of food on offer is processed, full of sugar, trans fats, colourings, preservatives and goodness knows what else. And then the powers that be seem surprised about the poor state of people’s health.

When I started to take an interest in eating a more wholesome diet, back in the nineties, I spent a lot of time reading labels on food to see what each item contained. But fairly early on I realised that generally the best foods to eat are those that have no list of ingredients… they just are what they are, as they grew, unadulterated and ready for us to combine with other simple ingredients to prepare meals. For example, I might buy organic steak or chicken, some carrots and broccoli, and serve with organic butter over the vegetables. It is quick and simple to prepare, tasty and easy to digest. Often, people tell me that they don’t have time to cook from scratch, but cooking steak and vegetables takes less than 15 minutes, including peeling the carrots! There are many other, equally speedy, possibilities for meals that really feed us. Surely our incredibly wonderful and complex bodies deserve at least that much care? ©Annie Andrews 2014


For blog entries from May 2010 to July 2014 please click on the PDF:

Annie's Blog. Copies of Blog Entries May 2010 to July 2014

Annie's Blog. May 10: Somerset cliffs and sea smaller


'People become what they expect themselves to become.'
Mahatma Gandhi

Personal Life Coaching, Stress Management, Tarot Readings and Spiritual Development
in Ruislip, North West London: near to Harrow, Watford, Northwood, Hillingdon & Uxbridge.

© Annie Andrews 2010-2024


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